Airplane Glue - Kirk Hostetter & Evan Mather, 12:25,
The latest short from MCF alum, Evan Mather (Quentin Tarantino’s
Star Wars and Godvilla Vs. Disco Lando - MCF ’98, Booger,
Fansom The Lizard, Les Pantless Menace and Vert Remixed
– MCF 2000). The story of twin brothers Randy and Rusty McNally,
who are convinced the Apollo moon landings were faked in an unholy pact
between Hollywood and the government. Filmed in widescreen, the film features
multiple film stocks, wireless mikes, seizure-inducing split screen panels,
and Mr. Kirk Hostetter (Vert Remixed – MCF 2000) in an acclaimed
dual role as the twins. (Featured in the Sept. 2001 issue of Wired).
www.evanmather.com, evan@evanmather.com
Hot Rod Circuit's "Flight 89" - Gorman Bechard,
2:40, digital stills (shown on video)
A music video comprised of 417 digital still photographs dissolving together
to create a flip-book effect depicting a girlfriend going nuts when her
rock star boyfriend tells her it’s over.
Gorman Bechard, PO Box 6260, Hamden, CT 06517-6260, gorman@gormanbechard.com,
John's Voice - Bob Kaputof, 4:16, video
The filmmaker remembers the amazing vocal powers of his father.
Bob Kaputof, 1751 Apple Dr., Concord, CA, 94518, 925-682-8549
Left Sideways - Jesse Miller, 2:51, video
A playful stop-motion animated music video for Texas band, The Foxymorons.
Jesse Miller, 1414 Acton Street, Berkeley, CA 94702, 510-526-0645, girl@firstworld.net
Noise In My Backyard - Geoff Adams, 22:00, video
A personal documentary charged with a dilemma: how can video maker, Geoff
Adams, manage the ecology of his backyard, and restore it to its original
condition from before settlers landed on this continent? In a series of
diverse video vignettes, Adams, who wrote, shot, edited, animated and
created all the music and sound for NIMBY, confronts the history,
philosophy, business and practice of personal land management.
Geoff Adams, 23 Colonial Rd., Providence, RI 02906, 401-331-0929, geoffadams@home.com,
Solex: That's What You Get With People Like These On
Cruises Like This - Birgit Rathsmann, 3:05, 16mm & video (shown on
A music video in which Solex, the Mermaid entices the sailor.
Birgit Rathsmann, 851 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11222, brischitta@earthlink.net
Subconcious Art Of Grafitti Removal - Matt McCormick,
16:00, video
Graffiti removal: the act of removing tags and graffiti by painting over
them. Subconscious art: a product of artistic merit that was created without
conscious artistic intentions. It is not coincidence that funding for
"anti-graffiti" campaigns often outweighs funding for the arts.
Graffiti removal has subverted the common obstacles blocking creative
expression and become one of the more intriguing and important art movements
of our time. Emerging from the human psyche and showing characteristics
of abstract expressionism, minimalism and Russian constructivism, graffiti
removal has secured its place in the history of modern art while being
created by artists who are unconscious of their artistic achievements.
An experimental documentary from Matt McCormick (The Vyrotonin Decision,
Sincerely Joe P. Bear – Best Experimental Film Award, MCF
Rodeo Film Company, PO Box 40835, Portland, Oregon 97240, 503-282-6082,
matt@rodeofilmco.com, www.rodeofilmco.com
Tangerine Crows - Joseph Christopher Schaub, 3:00,
A music video for the band, The Slow Jets, which combines a discordant
array of stop-action animated creatures with South Western landscape photography
to show the tragicomic dance between predator and prey.
Joseph Christopher Schaub, 410-215-2941, 13 S. Collington Ave, Baltimore,
MD 21231, octar.demakety@verizon.net

What's In It For Me? (Kann ich was abhaben?) - Johannes
Kassenberg & Klaus Reinelt, 22:00, 35mm stills (shown on video)
An evil scientist conducts dream experiments on a sleeping man who dreams
he can fly. When overdosed on dream-energy, the man gains the ability
to fly while awake and promptly escapes. Once outside, the man meets a
woman and tries to relax by a lake. But then the evil scientist shows
up, intent on recapturing him and taking him back to the lab. Painstakingly
made using 15,000 35mm still photographs, creating a mesmerizing animated
visual effect.
Johannes Kassenberg, Bunsenstr.93, 45145 Essen, Germany, kassenberg@gmx.de,
