The Call For Entries for MicroCineFest 2006 has begun.
MicroCineFest, the underground film festival in Baltimore, Maryland, is currently accepting submissions for it's 2006 festival. Now in it's tenth year, MicroCineFest's mission is to expose audiences to off-beat, psychotronic, substream films & videos that display big ambition on little budget. Affordable entry fees range from $10 to $30. Awards will be given in several categories, including the coolest video made for less than $100, and the coolest film made for less than $1,000.
MicroCineFest 2006 will take place in November. Details TBA.
- All entries must be accompanied by an entry fee and completed entry information.
- Entries must be submitted on a clearly labeled half-inch VHS videocassette
(standard speed / NTSC format) or Region One DVD. We are not responsible if
your DVD does not play in our machine.
- Feel free to include any press materials (bios, stills, press kits, etc.).
- Entries & press material will NOT be returned.
- Collect or COD shipments will not be accepted.
- For Multiple Entries - it is OK to put multiple works on one tape and pay
the multiple entry fees with one check. But please use seperate entry forms
for each title. To save postage, only one Acceptance/Rejection letter per entrant
will be sent.
- Check, money order, or well-concealed cash only (no charges). Make checks
payable to MicroCineFest. Please write the name of the entry on the check.
- Deadline for entries is July 1, 2006. BY REQUEST:
The deadline has been extended until July 14. Entrants will receive their
results in September.
$10 for 15 minutes and under; $20 for 15 to 40 minutes; $30 for over 40 minutes
The LOW BUDGET VIDEO Award will be given to the coolest video made for less than $100. The LOW BUDGET FILM Award will be given to the coolest film made for less than $1,000. To be fully eligible for either of these awards, you must submit your film/video's budget with your entry.
DO NOT send Priority Mail or Delivery Confirmation! Use regular mail. We have been having problems with our post office returning Priority Mail and Delivery Confirmation packages days after arrival, before we've been able to pick them up. Include a self-addressed stamped postcard if you require delivery confirmation.