Beware of the Hot Dog People - Matthew Silver, 5:00,
16mm (shown on video)
Controlled by hot dogs, a helpless man is forced to dance in front of
cows and fight off the evil forces that come out of garbage cans. We’re
honored to welcome back the work of Matthew Silver, whose Mother &
Son took home both the Low Budget Video Award and the Audience Choice
Award for Best Short at MicroCineFest ’98, permanently etching itself
onto our list of all-time favorite shorts.
Matthew Silver, 154 S. Demarest Ave., Bergenfield, NJ 07621, 201-385-1869,
fojomo1@yahoo.com, www.toiletgod.com
Domestic Wormholes: Nature's Silent Killer - Luis Esteban
Caffesse & Clifford Dean Wildman, 4:08, video
They can strike at any moment. One minute you’re sitting on the couch,
drinking a beer, watching the game with your best friend. The next minute
nothing makes sense, and you suddenly, for no reason, prefer creamed corn
to whole kernel corn. You, my friend, are a victim of a domestic wormhole
– nature’s silent killer.
11809 A Argonne Forest Trail, Austin, TX 78759, 512-336-2687, wcproductions@hotmail.com
Gods Of Porcelain and Plumbing - Matthew Silver &
Jackson Evans, 14:35, 16mm (shown on video)
Poking fun at hard sell religion by using an infomercial to sell the toilet
as an object of worship, GOPAP demonstrates that the things we hold sacred
can be easily cheapened and diminished.
Matthew Silver, 154 S. Demarest Ave., Bergenfield, NJ 07621, 201-385-1869,
fojomo1@yahoo.com, www.toiletgod.com
Guidelines For Public Speaking - Jim Jacob, 5:00, video
We always enjoy getting new works from Jim Jacob (Introduction To Film
Noir – MCF’98, Basic Rules Of Restaurant Etiquette
– MCF 2000). While we await his in-the-works next project, here’s
a 1997 work that explains ways in which to speak well. Jim’s information-to-budget
ratio is perhaps the most impressive of any documentary filmmaker ever.
Jim Jacob, 210 Park Ave., River Forest, IL 60305, 708-366-9748, jjmjacob@aol.com
Illustrious Dan - Peter R. Wareing, 9:24, video
"Men make use of their illnesses, at least as they are made use of
by them" - Aldous Huxley. A heavy-breathing bicyclist affixes found
objects to himself.
Peter R. Wareing, 299 E8th #16, New York, NY 10009, 212-260-7802, prwareing@aol.com
The Infernal Loop - Cooper Black, at least 1:00/maybe
3:00, 16mm (shown on video)
The lives of two men are caught in a perpetual loop.
The Penis Graduation Song - Alex Roper, 5:00, CGI (shown
on video)
Computer animation sinks to new highs in The Penis Graduation Song.
A work that combines all the irritating charm of Max Headroom, all the
technical wizardry of a Dire Straits video, and all the base humor of
repeatedly pressing the "P" key on your Speak and Spell.
Alex Roper, alex@anarchymonkey.com, www.anarchymonkey.com
Revolutions Per Minute - Alex Roper, 3:00, video
July 4th 2001: A record player is filled with 1,600 firecrackers and rigged
to go off as it plays the Star Spangled Banner. One of two new ones in
this year’s festival, from the creator of Anarchy Monkey (Low Budget
Video Award - MCF 2000).
Alex Roper, alex@anarchymonkey.com, www.anarchymonkey.com
A Short By Matt Sesow – Matt Sesow, 3:00, Super
8 (shown on video)
"A self-portrait… shameless voyeurism".
Matt Sesow, 1851 Columbia Rd. NW #603, Washington, DC 20009, 202-319-1459,
sesow@aol.com, www.sesow.com
Smashin' It Up - Michael Goodwin, 7:00, video
A bunch of guys smash things up with axes and baseball bats, set to musical
narration. Until this video’s soundtrack gets an Oscar nomination,
there is no justice in Hollywood!
Michael Goodwin, 5930 Kayron Dr., Atlanta, GA 30328, NextStep123@aol.com
The Thief Of Souls - Clancy Dennehy, 5:00, video
A puppet stalker horror short, starring clay finger puppets created by
the filmmaker’s 10 year old nephew.
Clancy Dennehy, 1715 Woodland Dr., Vancouver, B.C. V5N 3N8, clancyden@look.ca,
Three Legged - John Wood & John Harrison, 3:00,
A mechanical tennis ball server makes prey of two men with their legs
tied together. Fear and pain have never been so funny.
Video Data Bank, 112 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60603, info@vdb.org,
Wavelength - Daniel Martinico, 0:15, tyco cam
Perhaps the shortest entry on the festival circuit these days. Daniel
describes it as "sort of conceptual body-pop art or something, a
reference to Michael Snow in fact".
Daniel Martinico, UCSD Visual Arts Facility, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla,
CA 92093-0084, martinico@ucsd.edu