MicroCineFest 1999
Opening Night, Wednesday November 3 at The Charles Theater
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7 PM: From the same team who brought us HALF-COCKED (MCF'97 opening night film) comes this film that the Austin Chronicle describes as, "One of the most original films about the music biz", while Variety calls the filmmakers, "indie-rock scene veterans, experience that shows through in every frame." Shot entirely on location in Spain, with appearances by Stereolab, Come, Will Oldham and El Inquilino Comunista, RADIATION is the story of Unai, a cynical Spanish tour manager who books American indie-rock bands in Spain. With an empty wallet and nothing but conflict, he struggles to remember why he ever started dealing with bands. Then he meets Mary, a spontaneous American performance poet. Captivated by a punk spirit he feels he's lost, Unai persuades her to go on tour with him. She finishes her drink and they take off, leaving the scheduled band behind. Radiation Pictures, 302 Bedford Ave, Box 306, Brooklyn, NY 11211 T: 718-387-3529, halfcook@aol.com, www.gis.net/~dada/halfcocked |
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9 PM "A motorcycling band of hairless zombies invade a small Oregon fishing villageÉ it's an art film". Actually, it's a very silly horror/suspense spoof, in which a small town's new residents offer a new hair removal treatment that turns the town's residents into sex-crazed zombies. Sorta like a cross between NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES, and any of Radley Metzger's soft-core films. If you hate pesky body hair but like cornball gags & nudity (and admit it, who doesn't?), then you'll love HOT WAX ZOMBIES ON WHEELS. Mike J. Roush, 23030 Cumorah Crest Dr., Woodland Hills, CA 91364 T: 818-222-8427 www.hotwaxzombies.com |
Thursday, November 4 at The G-Spot
6 PM - The "Things Are Not Always
As They Seem" program:
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The Buddha Hood - John Sullivan, 16:00, 16mm An examination of the curious relationship between art and business and the ways in which we act differently with different people as seen through the eyes of the Buddha Hood. Furious Films, 640 Fort Washington Ave #1A, New York, NY 10040 T: 800-790-1628, John.J.Sullivan@abc.com
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Looking Good -Karl Slovin, 7:00, film (shown on video) During a double-date, two men compete not to look alike. KARLS28@aol.com |
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The Jenny James Stor -, Eric Cheevers, 26:26, 16mm A pregnant woman takes a demeaning and highly duplicitous telemarketing job to ensure health care benefits. Following a household accident, she becomes convinced she can hear people's conscious thoughts by applying cosmetics. Her newly found gift lends her unwanted insight into the world around her. Based on a true story. Eric Cheevers, PO Box 21101, Washington, DC 20009 T: 202-986-4588, Echeevers@aol.com |
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Blue Sta -, Mary Gillen, 48:00, 16mm Beautiful visuals and a great soundtrack fuel this film about the desires and struggles of a decadent underground female rockstar and her nail technician friend, as they make their way through a strained friendship, conflicting lifestyles, and a shared emptiness, via music, pop culture, nostalgia, and attempts at personal change. Mary Gillen, 14 Judge St #3R, Brooklyn, NY 11211 T: 718-388-2698, 917-541-6443 |
8 PM -
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The Bear Witch Project -Dave Coyne, 16:00, video "In 1999, a really scary movie came out. Then some shameless bastard tried to cash in on the hype". OK, so Blair Witch parodies have been done to death already. But this parody, about a lisping filmmaker's search for "really scary stuff" in the DC suburbs, showed up just days after the BWP's release, making it sort of ahead of it's time Dave Coyne, 6921 Clarendon Rd #312, Bethesda, MD 20814 David.coyne@gte.net |
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The Last Broadcast - Stefan Avalos and Lance Weiler, 87:00, video The filmmakers' Stefan Avalos and Lance Weiler (TAKE A TRIP WITH JEFF - MCF'97) star as Steven Avkast and Locus Wheeler, the two hosts of an innocuous cable access show called Fact or Fiction. Enlisting the help of Rein Clackin and Jim Suerd, they set out to put on the "Jersey Devil" episode, a live broadcast featuring a journey to a remote location in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey in search of the legendary Jersey Devil. The four of them go into the woods, but only one comes out alive. The blood of the other three on his clothing and the damning videotape shot by the victims seal his fate. Why would he commit two, most likely three murders so monstrous as to defy description? Filmmaker, David Leigh forces the viewer to confront an alternate version of the facts; to ask the question, "Did Jim really do it?"; and finally uncovers a truth; a truth more horrible than ever imagined. In 1997, The Last Broadcast made headlines for it's $900 budget. It was slated to be the opening night film at the inaugural MicroCineFest, but was pulled because of sound problems that couldn't be fixed in time. In 1998, it went from Sundance to Cannes, and then became the first ever independent film released to theaters via satellite (many months before STAR WARS: THE PAHNTOM MENACE made the same claim) and the first ever theatrical feature film to receive a U.S. Broadband internet release. 1999 brought more headlines, as those who have seen THE LAST BROADCAST noticed potential plagiaristic similarities in the hit phenomenon, THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. Wavelength Releasing, P.O. Box 147, Rushland, PA 18956 T:215-598-8496, F:215-598-0535 http://www.tebweb.com/lastbroadcast/ |
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The Lonelys - Henry Barrial, 31:00, Super 16/35mm (shown on video) A day in the life of 3 men who live in a Los Angeles based group home for the mentally ill. Henry Barrial, 620 S. St. Andrew Place #602, Los Angeles, CA 90005 Hbarrial@aol.com |
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Peep Show - Charlie Call, 9:20, 35mm (shown on video) A woman enters a peep show where the male performers know the true secrets of female arousal. Charlie Call, 607 N Rossmore Ave, Apt 203, Los Angeles, CA 90004 T: 323-957-2561, F: 323-957-2280, 76330.260@compuserve.com |
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Rescue in Chinatown - Keiichi Kondoh, 5:00, 16mm A self-reflexive, experimental chop-sockey film, exploring the stereotypes of Asians and the notion of the "Hero" in conventional cinema. Complete with chase scenes, acrobatic martial arts, a damsel in distress and a lot of humor. Keiichi Kondoh, 1114 Spruce Street #6, Philadelphia, PA 19130 T: 215-829-9172, spyproduction@hotmail.com |
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Single Spaced - Todd Rohal, 14:00, 16mm Long before the events in Littleton, there were kids who dealt with their anger in better ways, in this case a young creative writer retreats into his imagination, escaping his tormenting peers. This is the uncut version, not the censored version shown on MPT last spring. Todd Rohal, 7700 Seddon Drive, Dublin, OH 43016 T: 614-889-2722, littlefatgirl@yahoo.com |
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plant life - Ted Bourne, 9:00, 16mm Cold and lonely in New York City. Glossy faces from billboards and magazines. A monotonous job at the copy machine. AndÉ an embarrassing nosebleed that won't stop. Ted Bourne, 616 South 9th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147 T: 215-238-9007, tedbourne@hotmail.com |
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I Created Lancelot Link - Jeff Krulik & Diane Bernard, 15:30, video Stan Burns and Mike Marmer wrote material for many well-known TV comedians, but their proudest contribution to TV culture was the classic early-70's Saturday morning kids show "Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp"; a James Bond spoof starring an all-chimpanzee cast. Another cultural documentary co-made by MCF favorite, Jeff Krulik (HEAVY METAL PARKING LOT -MCF'97). Jeff Krulik, 3221 Connecticut Ave NW #308, Washington, DC 20008 T: 202-966-5304, F: 202-966-5382, jeff@planetkrulik.com, www.planetkrulik.com |
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12 Stops On The Road To Nowhere - Jay Lowi, 18:00, 35mm (shown on video) Meet Bill: he's been fired from his job, evicted from his apartment, and someone he doesn't even know is trying to bury him alive. Meet Jenny: she wakes to discover she's been drugged and that all her worldly possessions have been stolen by her boyfriend. When Bill meets Jenny, things go downhill from there. Jay Lowi, 926 Alandele Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036 T: 323-937-5694, F: 323-937-8737 |
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Headshot - Emmy Collins, 7:00, Super 8 Film (shown on video) A scathing & effusive peek into the ego-driven, psycho-sexual world of the Hollywood actor. There's enough arbitrary object humping, disturbing scatalogical content, and kinky foreplay to make the unconditioned viewer say, "What theÉ?" Aside from associate-producing THE SORE LOSERS (MCF '97), Emmy has also played "Alfred the Junkie" in HOMICIDE, "Hippy Vegetarian" in Pecker, and "The Poop-Hider" on NBC's FREAKS AND GEEKS. Emmy Collins/Frugality Films, 1805 N. El Cerrito Place #112, Los Angeles, CA 90068-3757 T/F: 323-874-2695, frugalfilms@hotmail.com |
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How To Start A Revolution In America - Mike Z, 30:00, video Three would-be domestic terrorists present their political beliefs and strategies for bringing about a violent revolution as they attempt to make an instructional video. Things go wrong. Mike Z has mastered the "Is this real?" genre of indie-filmmaking, in which the audience is unsure of the origin of what they're seeing. His suicide video, DON'T WATCH THIS UNTIL I'M DEAD, was declared too creepy for MCF'98. Likewise, the reality of REVOLUTION (not to mention the rape and racist content) is sure to creep-out and offend the same people who thought THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT was real. It's only a movieÉ it's onlyÉ Mike Z, 70 Park Ave., Caldwell, NJ 07006-7279 T: 973-364-0911, thez1@mindspring.com |
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Debbie Does Damnation -Eric Brummer, 68:00, Super 8 (shown on video) Debbie commits suicide and lands in Hell, where she gets caught in the middle of political chaos as the Devil gets overthrown by his two servants, Klegor and Tansitor, who have split Hell in half, each one battling for power to be the next Supreme Being. Three years in the making, and marking the first feature attempt by Eric Brummer, who's similar shorts, full of tongue-in-cheek horror, gothic stop-motion animation, gratuitous nudity, and blood soaked mayhem, have made him a leader in his genre. Eric Brummer, PO Box 120, 4000d W. Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505 Subman@pacbell.net |
Friday, November 5th
5:00-7:45 pm FREE, outdoors screening at the Coffee Mill (36th & Chestnut) as part of First Fridays in Hampden. Screening selections from MCF'99 (program shown twice): |
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8:00 PM - The "That's Psychotronic!" Program:
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% (Percent) - Steve Stein, 9:00, Hi-8 video/35mm (shown on video) Based on the movie Pi, % is the story of Rich, a twenty-something writer/waiter who is trying to figure out how much of his income to save for the future. Steve Stein, 3501 W. Evergreen #1F, Chicago, IL 60651 T: 773-862-3354, stein@cutters.com |
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Bluelove - David Hartkop, 13:00, 16mm (shown on video) James, a brilliant scientist frozen at death, awakens to find himself trapped in a technological prison. His entrepreneurial captor seeks to claim credit for his unfinished life's work: a way to traverse space without moving. Through torturous visions and brilliant dreams, James' final discovery is the key to his escape. David Hartkop, 4070 Willow Springs, Central Point, OR 97502 T: 541-664-5843, dhartkop@hotmail.com |
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A Primer For Dental Extraction - Carl Wiedemann, 4:30, 16mm (shown on video) Garbed in a pressurization suit, the protagonist aggresively cleans her teeth and chainsmokes while kicking and smacking the lens of the travelling camera that pursues her. Visually amazing! Carl Wiedemann, 515 West Wrightwood, #405, Chicago, IL 60614 T: 773-325-2913, r6025@aol.com |
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Beast of Retro City - Rock Savage, 17:00, Super-8 Film (shown on video) When several unexplained brutal murders leave Retro City in the grip of fear, Commissioner Spillane (Conrad Brooks of PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE fame) calls on masked wrestler-turned-crimefighter, The Mod Mutilator,for help!!!!! Since 1980, Rock Savage's Savage Film Group has churned out over a dozen Ed Wood-influenced, low-budget, Super 8 movies, loaded with all the ingredients for a good drive-in movie; campy 60's lingo, masked wrestlers, kung fu action, nasty villians, voluptuous girls and lurid plot elements. BEAST OF RETRO CITY recently picked up a Psycho Award from the Washington Psychotronic Film Society. Keep an eye out for Fan Boy (as seen in Jeff Krulik's documentaries, MCF'97). Savage Film Group, Box 4011, Capitol Heights, MD 20791 T: 301-567-3501, rocksavage@erols.com, www.erols.com/rocksavage |
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Conspiracy J - Steve Wood, 4:17, Super-8/35mm stills/video (shown on video) Would you ever suspect that video-games might be at the heart of a global propaganda campaign? Of course not. -That's how they get you. Steve Wood c/o Cutters, Inc., 515 N. State Street, 25th Floor, Chicago, IL 60610 T: 312-644-2500, F: 312-644-2501 |
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Project: Tiki Puka Puka - Jay Edwards, 20:00, video 2001: A SPACE ODDYSEY, APOCALYPSE NOW and BLUE HAWAII collide in this sci-fi spoof about a routine space mission commandeered by a mad scientist who convinces the crew to abort their rendezvous with a Russian space station and go to a tropical planet inhabited by scantily clad women and monsters. Magnetic vs Crystal, 216 Haralson Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30307 T: 404-524-9990, jedword@mindspring.com, www.afvc.com |
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The Collegians Are Go - Dean Collegian, PhD, 30:00, Super 8 Film (shown on video) Intent on world domination, the International Organization for the Advancement of Evil have resurrected Former President Kennedy from the grave and have transformed him into a zombie! Plus, they've snatched LBJ too, and mummified him! Fortunately, The Collegians (an educator, a scientist, and a trouble-maker) know exactly how to combat this evil: ROCK & ROLL! Purported to have been shot in 1964, in Gerald Ford-O-Vision, and immediately banned due to the controversial subject matter. Winner of the Grand Prize at last year's US Super 8 Film Festival. Scott Calonico, 5313 Peacedale Lane, Austin, TX 78723 T: 512-929-0411, monkey@oj.simpson.com, www.flojo.com/collegians |
10:00 PM - "Cool Shorts 2" Program:
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The Swinger - Jason Affolder, 3:00, Super 8mm (shown on video) Men in underpants. c/o Todd Rohal & W.Clay, littlefatgirl@yahoo.com, or seventytwoninetyeight@yahoo.com |
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I, Socky - Danny Plotnick & Alison Levy, 7:30, Super 8 (shown on video) A rogue sock monkey hits the town on a big day out. Danny Plotnick, PO Box 460472, San Francisco, CA 94146 s8romeo@aol.com |
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A Waiter Tomorrow - Michael Kang, 12:00, 16mm (shown on video) Two waiters go John-Woo-ballistic on their rude and racist clientele in this Hong Kong-style (yet totally Asian American) action film. Everything you could want from a two hour movie in a little over ten minutes; from shoot-outs to Kung Fu fights and much more. Michael Kang/KANG is MAN, 253 East 10th Street, Ste 9, New York, NY 10009-4841 T: 212-614-9265, KANGisMAN@aol.com |
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Crack - Jon Moritsugu, 0:45, 16mm "A guy freaks out. He is a soundman". A new very-short film from legendary underground filmmaker & MCF-fave, Jon Moritsugu (TERMINAL USA, MOD F*CK EXPLOSION), who's most recent feature FAME WHORE, is up for Academy Award consideration. Jon Moritsugu, PO Box 210535, San Fransisco, CA 94121-0535 T/F: 415-386-0731, mgolonka@sirius.com |
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Parting Words - Karl Slovin, 8:35, film (shown on video) A young man's suicide video is hampered by his roommate's playfulness. KARLS28@aol.com |
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The Mad Scientist - Mike Branum, 6:00, video The story of a scientist who isn't insane, just really mad. hooptyman@media.one, www.hoopty.cc |
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Engage - Juliette Goodwin, 7:00, video A young woman contemplates engagement. Juliette Goodwin/PAAK Productions, PO Box 19964, Baltimore, MD 21211 Jizulie@hotmail.com |
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Diet Pink Lemonade - Andrew Betzer, 0:58, 16mm In a young girls first brush with the business world, she learns the hard way that the customer is always right. Andrew Betzer, 16813 Melbourne Drive, Laurel, MD 20707 T: 301-498-1330, trbx@erols.com |
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Cake - Christie Dagley, 2:36, video Cake is all about having it and eating it too. A woman dresses, then prepares & eats a cake, with the giddy pleasure of extreme self-indulgence. Christie Dagley, 1545 McAllister Apt 4, San Francisco, CA 94115 Cdagley@earthlink.net, http://home.earthlink.net/~cdagley |
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Herd - Mike Mitchell, 18:00, 16mm A current favorite on the festival circuit and a brilliantly clever homage to the sci-fi genre, HERD is the story of a lowly fry cook who becomes the unwitting accomplice to an alien who instructs him to build a nefarious black box. Mike Mitchell's new feature, DEUCE BIGALOW: MALE GIGOLO will be released to theaters everywhere this coming December. Mike Mitchell, 1630 Lucretia Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90026 T: 213-250-7275, tirawan@yahoo.com |
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Knuckleface Jones - Todd Rohal, 16:00, 16mm Tormented by his ex-girlfriend, a gang of briefs-wearing rappers, and some delinquent scouts, a hapless trombone player becomes a new kind of folk hero emerging from the butthole of America. A big hit at this year's Johns Hopkins Film Festival, and Rosebud. Todd Rohal, 7700 Seddon Drive, Dublin, OH 43016 T: 614-889-2722, littlefatgirl@yahoo.com |
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What's Up - Chris Clements/Julie Goldman/Mich Giancola/Maria Bowen, 17:00, video A documentary about many people's personal experiences with good ol'vomit. Intestinal fortitude will never be viewed in quite the same way again. Central Films, 272 Sixth Ave #2R, Brooklyn, NY 11215 T/F: 718-788-2296, frflt@aol.com |
Midnight - The "Envelope Pushing Retrospectives" Program:
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Banana Boy (excerpt from Gubbi Gubbi) - Bradley Wind & Eric Prykowski, 5:00, video Banana Boy is caught in an un-a"peel"ing situation. Brad Wind, 757 E Main Street F105, Lansdale, PA 19446 T: 215-393-9580, bwind@adelphia.net |
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Billy The Hairdresser (excerpt from Gubbi Gubbi) - Bradley Wind & Eric Prykowski, 5:00, video Unusual hair styling techniques culminate in violence. Brad Wind, 757 E Main Street F105, Lansdale, PA 19446 T: 215-393-9580, bwind@adelphia.net |
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Fish Dish Meow Meow (excerpt from Gubbi Gubbi) - Bradley Wind & Eric Prykowski, 7:00, video WebTV entices two slackers into an apartment where their two hosts may or may not be part human/part fish or cat. Brad Wind, 757 E Main Street F105, Lansdale, PA 19446 T: 215-393-9580, bwind@adelphia.net |
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Big Head Big Hand (excerpt from Gubbi Gubbi) - Bradley Wind & Eric Prykowski, 8:00, video A big headed jogger encounters a big handed fisherman. A battle ensues. Brad Wind, 757 E Main Street F105, Lansdale, PA 19446 T: 215-393-9580, bwind@adelphia.net |
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KISS XXX - Akira Shimazaki, 11:00, 16mm - silent (shown on video) A detective pursues a murderer-by-castration, who attempts to transplant her victim's organs to herself. Akira Shimazaki, 115 Stuyvesant Pl #5D, Staten Island, NY 10301 T/F: 718-876-2609, shimazaki@mindspring.com |
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REVENGE: Eat Shit, Eat Me - Akira Shimazaki, 15:30, 16mm Reminiscent of a classic urban legend, a woman finds her home burglarized - but the burglars didn't take hercamera, the photos within offering after-the-fact proof of what went on while she wasn't home. Akira Shimazaki, 115 Stuyvesant Pl #5D, Staten Island, NY 10301 T/F: 718-876-2609, shimazaki@mindspring.com |
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Fruitcake - Huck Botko, 9:00,video An encore screening from MCF'98. Huck is making his dad a fruitcake for Christmas. Huck doesn't like his dad very much. Huck Botko, 7 Dunham Place #4N, Brooklyn, NY 11211 T/F: 718-218-6688, huck@panix.com |
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Baked Alaska - Huck Botko, 8:00, video Huck visits his mom and prepares a special recipe for baked Alaska. Huck Botko, 7 Dunham Place #4N, Brooklyn, NY 11211 T/F: 718-218-6688, huck@panix.com |
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Cheesecake - Huck Botko, 8:00, video Huck uses a secret ingredient in a cheesecake he makes for his sister. Huck Botko, 7 Dunham Place #4N, Brooklyn, NY 11211 T/F: 718-218-6688, huck@panix.com |
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Graham Cracker Cream Pie - Huck Botko, 12:00, video Huck forgives his brother's childhood terrorism with the gift of a special graham cracker cream pie. Huck Botko, 7 Dunham Place #4N, Brooklyn, NY 11211 T/F: 718-218-6688, huck@panix.com |
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Julie - Huck Botko, 12:40, video A documentary about two young men's revengeful plot to infect a woman with a venereal disease. Huck Botko, 7 Dunham Place #4N, Brooklyn, NY 11211 T/F: 718-218-6688, huck@panix.com |
Saturday, November 6th
4:00 pm The "Price of Fame" program:
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Pennyweight - Efram Potelle & Kyle Rankin, 39:00, 16mm A young filmmaker, desperate for money for his first film, agrees to wear huge earrings for one full year in exchange for funding. Co-starring Ray Wise (TWIN PEAKS). Kyle Rankin, 32 Pearl Street, Portland, ME 04101-4131 www.pennyweight.com |
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Barbie: An American Biography - Lara Johnston, 58:00, Super-8 Film (shown on video) Todd Haynes' SUPERSTAR: THE KAREN CARPENTER STORY meets Russ Meyer's BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS. This fictionalized biography, shot entirely with Barbie dolls and other celebrity action figures, examines modern day icons and American popular culture. Lara Johnston/Mollymauk Films, Box 136, 9 Hanna Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 1W8, Canada T:416-873-3191, lara@interlog.com |
6:00 p.m The "Experimiscellaneous" program:
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Kukla Fran and Adolf - Monroe Bardot, 2:30, video Another video oddity from Monroe Bardot (JIMMY JANG JANG - MCF'98). The Third Reich meets children's television. Video Bardot, POB 5940, Baltimore, MD 21208, T:410-484-7021, uglyworld@erols.com |
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Moment - Ryan Lutterbach, 5:25, 35mm/video (shown on video) Using an original special effect, MOMENT zooms in and out of photographic stills, exploring the inner thoughts and feelings of characters on a city street frozen in an instant of time. Ryan Lutterbach, 2511 Fairway Drive, Michigan City, IN 46360 T: 219-872-2293, F: 219-872-2000, lutterbach.1@nd.edu |
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In The Marrow Of Cassandra - Jennifer Gouvea, 4:00, 16mm Using photo animation and optical printing, this experimental film explores the emotions of a manic depressive woman. Jennifer Gouvea, 3015 St. Paul Street 1st Floor, Baltimore, MD 21218 T: 410-662-7838, jengouvea@hotmail.com |
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Burning Contour Matrix - Simon Tarr, 4:00, 35mm (shown on 16mm) Utilizing 3D glasses (provided), Burning Contour Matrix combines pure digital images (traded over the internet) with hand-painted film, animated together to make a powerful statement about information overload and the all-encompassing anxiety bred by an omnipresent system of mass media. Made with involvement from local underground legend, tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE. Simon Tarr, 114 Carnegie Building, University Park, PA 16823 T: 814-865-0935, simont@psu.edu |
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Sweep - Mark Street, 7:00, 16mm Negative and positive hand-manipulated images collide and shimmer as a father and daughter walk and talk their way through spring in the city. Mark Street, 211 Hilton Ave, Baltimore, MD 21228 T: 410-719-6470, F: 410-719-0450 |
TV Ministry - Mark Hejnar, 10:40, video A look at a Calumet City, Illinois organization that believes Television is God. Interviews with its members are innercut with the directors own personal TV obsessions to create an ironic media study. Mark Hejnar, PO Box 578503, Chicago, IL 60657-8503 T: 773-528-9258, F: 773-528-3634, mhejnar@earthlink.net |
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Parental Guidance - Richard Walsh, 17:04, 16mm The story of two sisters coming to terms with their changing relationship and the chaotic nature of the world around them. They reunite for a weekend of long drives, childhood memories, and live ammo. Desensitized by mass media and the influence of their father, they try to cope with their environment the only way they know howÉ But why is there a lone gunman checking into the same hotel? Richard Walsh, 3161 23rd Street Apt B, San Francisco, CA 94110 T: 415-693-8218, mailbomb@sfsu.edu |
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Titler - Jonathan Bekemeier, 6:00, 35mm (shown on video) "Everything nobody wants to see all at once". A series of off, off-beat a capella songs whose lyrics shed some light on Titler's demented psyche. Not meant for children, homophobes, grandparents, small dog owners, members of the Christian Coalition, people with high blood pressure, employees of law enforcement agencies, or anyone living within the Salt Lake City limits. Titler c/o Picture Park, 811 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116 |
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Wish - Rossana Jeran, 7:30, video A cinematic videopoem exploring the union of imagination and intellect, fusing masculine and feminine aspects of the mind by visually weaving archetypes of earth, water, fire and air, making the physical body incorporeal and the spirit concrete. Rossana Jeran/Gothic Productions, 634 Balboa, San Francisco, CA 94118 T: 415-751-2545, F: 415-933-6208, blurgirl@blurgirl.com, www.blurgirl.com |
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Sign Language - Anna Fraser, 1:30, 16mm Both experiment and exploration in the unexpected beauty of advertisements and information overload in urban life. Anna Fraser, 39 Prescott Ave, Dee Why 2099, Sydney Australia T: 61-2-9971-7736, spanna@one.net.au |
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Evidence - Anna Fraser, 5:30, 16mm An experimental film about the overlap of memory and identity using the recreation of old photographs. Anna Fraser, 39 Prescott Ave, Dee Why 2099, Sydney Australia T: 61-2-9971-7736, spanna@one.net.au |
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Bob - Matt Smith, 16:00, 16mm A nature film in which a young girl chances on a Bob tree growing in a Meadow. While feeding on the Bob, she is chased off by a competing species. The fruit of the Bob tree mature and wander through the ecosystem. Matt Smith/The Smith Film Company, 854 18th Street #1, Santa Monica, CA 90403 T: 310-828-6122, F: 310-828-0299, thuja@loop.com |
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More Or Less - Gavin Kelly & David Evans, 7:30, video An absurd conversation between an idealistic, rebellious son and his status-quo promoting father, saturated with enough surreal continuity errors to make it very funny. Gavin Kelly, 5252 Pendleton St., San Diego, CA 92109 T: 858-272-3738, gkelly@ucsd.edu |
8:00 pm The "Animation" program:(featuring mini-retrospectives of Webster Colcord and Don Hertzfeldt)
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Bladder Trouble - Webster Colcord, 2:00, 35mm (shown on video) Mel, the Monster from Hell, attempts to eat a stick figure man. The man's fear results in a release of bodily fluids. Webster Colcord, 1115 S. Claremont, San Mateo, CA 94402 T: 650-571-9580, Wcolcord@aol.com, www.animationtoolworks.com/colcord.html |
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Mad Doctors of Borneo - Webster Colcord, 1:30, 35mm (shown on video) A skeleton doctor performs experimental surgery on an unwilling patient. Webster Colcord, 1115 S. Claremont, San Mateo, CA 94402 T: 650-571-9580, Wcolcord@aol.com, www.animationtoolworks.com/colcord.html |
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Slaughter Day - Webster Colcord, 2:00, 35mm (shown on video) Some clever pigs devise a way to escape the axe. Webster Colcord, 1115 S. Claremont, San Mateo, CA 94402 T: 650-571-9580, Wcolcord@aol.com, www.animationtoolworks.com/colcord.html |
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Backyard Barbeque - Webster Colcord, 4:00, 35mm (shown on video) A very strange film about a man, his car, dinner, and creatures. A mix of live action and stop motion animation starring Scot Campbell and one of his amazing art cars. Webster Colcord, 1115 S. Claremont, San Mateo, CA 94402 T: 650-571-9580, Wcolcord@aol.com, www.animationtoolworks.com/colcord.html |
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Bohemia After Dark Title - Webster Colcord, 2:00, 35mm (shown on video) The animated opening-sequence to a television show. Webster Colcord, 1115 S. Claremont, San Mateo, CA 94402 T: 650-571-9580, Wcolcord@aol.com, www.animationtoolworks.com/colcord.html |
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Summer Wind - Webster Colcord, 2:00, 35mm (shown on video) A simple animated film based on the soundtrack from a 60's Lutheran Church radio show entitled "Silhouette", which was then used as part of an album by Portland, Oregon noise band, Anal Solvent. The host of the show, John Rydgren, is reading a poem sent in by a 16-year-old girl. Webster Colcord, 1115 S. Claremont, San Mateo, CA 94402 T: 650-571-9580, Wcolcord@aol.com, www.animationtoolworks.com/colcord.html |
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Abducted - Webster Colcord, 3:00, 35mm (shown on video) Howie Hurls, a nervous young man with an exceptionally sensitive stomach, gets abducted by aliens. While on board the spacecraft, Howie is subjected to an alien medical examination, featuring the infamous "Anal Probe". Webster Colcord, 1115 S. Claremont, San Mateo, CA 94402 T: 650-571-9580, Wcolcord@aol.com, www.animationtoolworks.com/colcord.html |
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Pinpoint - Ya-Nan Chou, 1:06, 16mm An animated film made using different embroideries on fabric, weaving a female's emotional bonding to the relationship between two sexes. Ya-Nan Chou, 5633 Colifax Avenue, #312, North Hollywood, CA 91601 T: 818-761-4809, 805-279-5879, ynchou@earthlink.net |
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In Between - Anna Minkkinen, 2:40, 16mm (shown on video) A man catches a fleeting glance at a world hidden between the lines of a barcode. Anna Minkkinen/Good Egg Productions, 226A Catharine St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 T: 215-467-4649, aminkkin@nimbus.ocis.temple.edu |
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Bon Appetit - Sergio Paez, 5:00, 16mm (shown on video) A hungry dog seeks food and love from an uncaring family, and creates mayhem in the process. Sergio Paez, 908 Capp Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 T:415-642-3240, paezse@hotmail.com |
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Digital Gremlin For Windows - Chris Clements, 3:00, 16mm What exactly does it take to make a computer work? This film offers an unusual hypothesis to explain the complexities of the computer world. Central Films, 272 Sixth Ave #2R, Brooklyn, NY 11215 T/F: 718-788-2296, frflt@aol.com |
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Frankenstein 2000 - David Crawford, 2:00, video A humorous look at the increasingly blurry line between man and machine as we swiftly approach the year 2000. David Crawford, 749 Driggs Ave #5, Brooklyn, NY 11211 T: 718-384-7378, crawford@lightofspeed.com |
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Ol' Doc Segram's Place - Joshua Reed Gramse, 4:31, video Two boys break into an abandoned house and are taken captive by an enlivened yeti who forces them to eat dinner with a couple of dummies. Joshua Reed Gramse, 1 ? Edmonds Street, Rochester, NY 14607 T: 716-244-8143, jrg4838@rit.edu |
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Let's Get Medical - Jon Tojek & Peter Juneau, 3:00, 35mm (shown on video) A doctor is welcomed home by a fantasy world of medical tools, former patients, and happy organic creatures. Jon Tojek, 3178 16th Street #3, San Francisco, CA 94103 T: 415-861-3591, jtojek@aw.sgi.com, jon@tojek.com, www.tojek.com |
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Human X Is Tense - Chris Clements, 2:00, 16mm (shown on video) Big angst in a tiny space. Reminiscent of Frank Mouris' classic FRANK FILM. Central Films, 272 Sixth Ave #2R, Brooklyn, NY 11215 T/F: 718-788-2296, frflt@aol.com |
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Rocky IV - An Animation, Rachel Max, 1:12, video A red blooded critique of the American Icon. Rachel Max, 2457 39th Place NW, Washington, DC 20007 T: 202-338-9799, rachelmax@earthlink.net |
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The Hangnail - Shane Acker, 2:00, 16mm (shown on video) A story about a man and man's best friend and a small piece of skin that eventually tears them apart. Shane Acker, 1530 Sherbourne Dr. #6, Los Angeles, CA 90035 T: 310-274-3166, sacker@ucla.edu |
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Monkey Vs. Robot - Geoff Marslett, 2:30, video "Monkey hate technology! Robot hate the monkey!". A way-cool, low-budget music video. Geoff Marslett, 3202 B Grooms Street, Austin, TX 78705 T: 512-457-0574, marslett@mail.utexas.edu |
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Penguin Soup - Matthew Fern,15:45, video PENGUIN SOUP chronicles the journey of one smart-ass and two dim-witted penguins on a mission of freedom; a box of milk as it fulfills its destiny; and a short, fast bus ride to hell. Matthew Fern/Ferndog Productions, 1444 ? Edgecliffe Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90026 T: 323-644-2844, mdfern@earthlink.net, http://home.earthlink.net/~mdfern |
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Mind's Eye - Gregory Godhard, 5:00, 16mm Visually stunning experimental animation made with 1200 still photographs. This short has been winning awards left and right, including the Most Technically Innovative Film award at this year's Ann Arbor Film Festival. Gregory Godhard, PO Box 665, Newtown, Sydney, NSW, Australia 2042 T: 61-2-9569-1926, greggodhard@ozemail.com.au |
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Genre - Don Hertzfeldt, 5:00, 16mm A film that plays with the creative struggles between a cartoon rabbit and his animator as they careen through a rapid-fire string of changing film genres. Don Herzfeldt, 310 Mathilda #10, Goleta, CA 93117 nightmonkey@prodigy.net, www.bitterfilms.com, F:805 681 9089 |
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Ah L'Amour - Don Hertzfeldt, 2:00, 16mm A look at the trials and tribulations of a single person looking for love. nightmonkey@prodigy.net, www.bitterfilms.com, F:805 681 9089 |
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Lily and Jim - Don Hertzfeldt, 13:00, 16mm An achingly pathetic blind date between two hopelessly na•ve, neurotic romantics goes from bad to much worse. An encore screening from MCF'98. nightmonkey@prodigy.net, www.bitterfilms.com, F:805 681 9089 |
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Billy's Balloon - Don Hertzfeldt, 5:30, 16mm An hysterically dark and violent film about the relationship between a little boy and his balloon. nightmonkey@prodigy.net, www.bitterfilms.com, F:805 681 9089 |
10:00 pm The "Educational?" program:
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Pitiful Reflections - Jim Stramel, 10:00, 16mm A series of dark childhood remembrances that are funny because they happened to somebody else. Jim Stramel, 2206 Boxwood Rd, Richmond, VA 23228 T: 804-264-3021, stramel@erols.com |
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Fire Ant ad - Andrew Wardlaw, 1:07, video Scenes from "Starship Troopers" are edited to a radio ad for fire ant killer, to comical affect. Andrew Wardlaw, 8025 York Road, Apt A-5, Baltimore, MD 21204 T: 410-825-5487, award11@tiger.towson.edu |
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Das Clown - Tom E. Brown, 8:40, 35mm (shown on video) Tom E. Brown (DON'T RUN JOHNNY, RUBBER GLOVES - MCF'98) returns to MCF with an old-fashioned filmstrip about Sparkles, a two-foot-tall antique clown doll, and Mr. Higgins, the shopkeeper who owns him. When Sparkles comes to life, he is not the loving son Mr. Higgins wished he would be. Narrated by Blues Traveler's John Popper. Tom E. Brown/Bugsby Pictures, 425 Fell Street, San Fransisco, CA 94102 T: 415-626-4214, F: 415-431-2850, info@bugsby.com, www.bugsby.com |
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Bread: The Life and Times of a Self-Appointed Bread Promoter - Chris Dotson, 9:00, 16mm "If I don't speak up for bread, who will," asks the self-appointed bread promoter. Her days are filled calling people on the phone to raise awareness for the food, practicing bread taxidermy, playing with her bread toys and taking bread baths. You may never look at bread the same way. Chris Dotson, Zero Status Pictures, c/o IFP North, 401 North 3rd Street, Ste 450, Minneapolis, MN 55401 T: 612-338-0871, word@ifpnorth.org |
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My Ass Is Bleeding - Jim Stramel, 4:00, 16mm With the exception of an introduction by Conrad Brooks (PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE), MY ASS IS BLEEDING's title is pretty much self-descriptive. Jim Stramel, 2206 Boxwood Rd, Richmond, VA 23228 T: 804-264-3021, stramel@erols.com |
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Masked Man: Russian Roulette - John DeVault, 5:00, 16mm The Masked Man and his partner in crime, Giggles Two-step, eat breakfast at their favorite diner. The Masked Man laments about his bad luck at gambling. Giggles proceeds to show the Masked Man how he always loses at Russian RouletteÉ John DeVault, 47 Washington Street, Warren, RI 02885-3317 T: 401-247-1408, jsdevault@aol.com |
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Golden Gate - Eric Landmark, 5:00, 16mm In the style of a 1930's newsreel, an excited narrator recounts the story behind the building of the Golden Gate Bridge. Eric Landmark, 1685 Sacramento Street #35, San Francisco, CA 94109 T: 415-931-2076 |
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Chicken Bread - W. Bunnett, C. Ford, A. Hasse, B. Sheffield, B. Turner, 23:00, video A mockumentary following the roller-coaster-ride-lives of two brilliant inventologists and their greatest discovery; the combination of chicken and bread. Andrew Hasse, 1084 Cragmont Ave, Berkeley, CA 94708 T: 510-524-2751, chasse@emf.net |
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Swingers' Serenade - Danny Plotnick, 24:00, 16mm MCF fave/"the king of Super 8", Danny Plotnick (STEEL BELTED ROMEOS, I'M NOT FASCINATING: THE MOVIE - MCF'97) returns embracing a new dying medium: 16mm. In the 50's & 60's, when home movie making was at its peak, amateur movie making magazines (like Better Movie Making) provided subscribers with scripts (like the one for Swinger's Serenade) to shoot. Plotnick has done just that - complete with all the lurid sexual dynamics, hints of loose sexual mores, swinging couples, lecherous Fuller Brush salesmen, and voyeuristic suburbanites straight from the original script. Danny Plotnick, PO Box 460472, San Francisco, CA 94146 s8romeo@aol.com |
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Spectres of the Spectrum - Craig Baldwin, 94:00, 16mm The year is 2007. Yogi and Boo Boo, a telepathic father-and-daughter team, lead a group of media outlaws in resistance against a corporate/governmental "New Electromagnetic Order", which threatens to use the earth's magnetosphere to "bulk erase" the brains of every human on the planet. The only way to save humanity is to travel out into space, following the history of television broadcasts back in time to uncover a secret lodged in an old episode of the 1950's series, Science In Action. Appropriating images from the detritus of high school instructional films, low-budget science fiction, and old television broadcasts, mad scientist/media archeologist Craig Baldwin (TRIBULATION 99, SONIC OUTLAWS) has once again created an obsessive, densely layered, and intellectually challenging vision of technology gone awry. A wildly energetic blend of science fiction and science fact, this epic rifles through the trash bins of our image-obsessed culture, piecing together a dossier on our love affair with technology and projecting it into a dystopic future. Craig Baldwin, 992 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 T: 415-648-0654, cbaldwin@sfnet.com |
Sunday, November 7th
2 pm (G-SPOT) The "Cool Shorts 1" program (repeat from Thur Nov 4)
4 pm (G-SPOT) The "That's Psychotronic program (repeat from Fri Nov 5)
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Existo - Coke Sams, 93:00, 35mm A subversive musical comedy about love, art and anarchy. In a future where Jesse Helms and Strom Thurman are gods and morality is state-mandated, a rag tag band of art revolutionaries, led by performance artist Existo, wage a guerrilla war for perversity, drugs and the American Way. Existo (Bruce Arntson) - performer, entertainer, propagandist, most dangerous man in America - is the chosen one who can lead his people to the promised land of chaos and revolution - with his face in the soup and a song in his heart. True love Maxine (Jackie Welch) keeps the war provisioned with Little Debbie cakes and dark passion. Best friend Marcel Horowitz (Jim Varney) serves as right arm (or in this case left arm) and conscience. Revolutionary headquarters is "The Sewer"-- an underground nightclub run by full-figured drag queen Colette (Gailard Sartain). Existo's apostles are artists, clubbers and leftists - the disenfranchised, the eccentric, the truly insane. Their weapon against repression - art. Their chances - slim to none. Existo's nemesis Dr. Armand Glasscock (Mike Montgomery) has risen to supreme power through televangelism. He plots the final solution to art. His only stumbling block is Existo - whose perverse sense of rhythm, politics, and performance art have engaged a growing segment of the population. Existo must be stopped and the devious plan falls to Glasscock's toady and sidekick Roupen Dupree (Mark Cabus). Enter blond and vapid pop tart Penelope (Jenny Littleton) and Existo is more than momentarily distracted from revolution. Seduction, suicide, salvation and some other exciting word beginning with the letter S propel us to the big musical finish wherein justice prevails and the movie is over before the fun runs out. Shot in three weeks for next to nothing, Existo is a hilarious showcase for a talented Nashville cast, headed by Bruce Arntson in a tour de force performance, and featuring several musical performances that have to be seen to be believed, including one featuring phallic pogosticks. Clarke Gallivan, 4610 Charlotte Ave., Nashville, TN 37209 615-298-5818
www.existo.com |
10:00 p.m. Workhorse Productions & Sonic Soul present the MicroCineFest '99 Closing Night Awards Ceremony & Party at The G-Spot